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Extended Day Program

Extended Day serves Cook students after the regular school day dismissal until 6:00 p.m. Our main objective is to provide students with a safe and fun environment to explore exciting enrichment and academic opportunities right here on Catherine Cook's campus. Extended Day is divided into two time blocks and sorted into groups based on the child's age/grade.

Extended Day begins with an afternoon snack, a short rest period, and a moment for movement before students move on to explore their interests through free choice. Preschool - 4th Grade students will enjoy weekly themed activities and programming, such as:  

  • Taylor Swift Week 
  • Dinosaur Week  
  • Fun with Numbers 
  • Sports Week 
  • Creative Dance and Yoga


For families in need of consistent, weekly care on certain days of the week, Cook offers trimester enrollment at the following rates:

Block 1 (2:45-4:25 p.m.): $30/day

Block 2 (4:25-6:00 p.m.): $17/day

Drop-In Extended Day is available for occasional or day-of childcare needs at the following rates:

Block 1 (2:45-4:25 p.m.): $35/day

Block 2 (4:25-6:00 p.m.): $20/day

Have Questions?

Please direct questions to Sophia Roberson, Coordinator of Auxiliary Programs, at
