Our state-of-the-art AV Studio allows students to express their learning and creativity through high-quality recording equipment and software.
Educational Technology
The Educational Technology (Ed Tech) department at Catherine Cook constantly evolves to meet the needs of students in a fast moving world.
Cook’s Ed Tech program is designed to empower students with modern fluencies such as programming, audio/visual expression, and both digital and traditional fabrication, as well as to enrich all content areas with tools that encourage student voice and agency. In alignment with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) framework, our Ed Tech team works with teachers in all subject areas to find developmentally appropriate resources and tools to help students and teachers achieve learning goals. We work to decrease the representation gap in tech by building on identity work to show students that all people can be "tech" people. We offer 1:1 devices in all grades, along with interactive projection whiteboards in all classrooms.
Our EdTech Program
With guidance from the ISTE framework, Cook strives for all students to be:
- Digital Citizens
- Knowledge Constructors
- Innovative Designers
- Computational Thinkers
- Creative Communicators
Educational Technology Programs and Spaces
All Preschool - 8th Grade students have access to the IDEA Lab, our fully-equipped makerspace offering a blend of traditional and emerging technologies
In our dedicated Tech and Computer Science classes, students in Preschool - 8th Grade apply computational thinking, literacy, and numeracy competencies to coding environments, ensuring that all types of learners can become proficient in programming.