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The Board of Trustees of Catherine Cook comprises members of the school community— both current and former— who have demonstrated personal or professional experience in a variety of areas that are important to upholding the mission of the school, shaping its strategic future, and supporting the Head of School in their ongoing leadership of the school’s day-to-day operations. Occasionally, expertise from outside the community is invited onto the Board for a specific initiative or purpose. Board composition is evaluated annually as new members are nominated and existing members roll off upon completion of their terms. The average tenure of a trustee going forward is expected to be 4-7 years.

Executive Committee


Trustee Committees

The Board annually establishes committees to provide focus to key strategic areas and may, from time to time, solicit the expertise from members of the community to achieve their strategic goals.* Many Board members chair committees, and all Trustees are members of at least two committees. The Chair of the Board appoints committee chairs and the committee chairs appoint their members. Also, ad hoc committees may be formed at any time based on the current Board initiatives.

* Due to the nature of the work, certain committees are made up solely of Trustees; all other committees include Trustees, Faculty, Administrators, Parent, and Community members.


Board FAQs

Are you interested in joining a Board committee or nominating yourself or someone else as a Trustee?

Board Inquiry Form