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Thatcher Swanson Grant for Diversity and Inclusion

The Thatcher Swanson Grant for Diversity and Inclusion is available for students in 1st-8th Grade, is renewable each year, and provides the recipient with:

  • Full tuition
  • Extended Day (after school care until 6:00 p.m.)
  • School lunches
  • Stipend for After School Adventures (extra curricular activities) and athletics
  • Funding toward materials, technology, supplemental learning, and additional programming that supports participation in all that Cook offers

Requirements for Consideration

  • Must demonstrate significant financial need, as determined by school administration
  • Must identify with an underrepresented race, religion, physical ability, sexual identity, or gender identity within the school community

Application and Admission Process

Please contact us to express interest in the Grant. For special application instructions and a code to waive the $75 admission fee, please contact Tiffany Wells, Director of Enrollment Management, at or 312.266.3381 x3146.

About Thatcher Swanson

In the fall of 2020, the Catherine Cook community mourned the loss of our beloved 2nd Grader Thatcher Swanson. Thatcher was a vibrant, curious, and happy soul who loved learning, his friends, solving tough math problems, and showcasing his ever-growing vocabulary. He brought a great deal of warmth and enthusiasm to school each day.

Following his passing, his parents created the Thatcher James Swanson Memorial Foundation and formed a partnership with Catherine Cook School. Thanks to their generosity, the Catherine Cook School Grant for Diversity and Inclusion was renamed to the Thatcher Swanson Grant for Diversity and Inclusion. Thatcher's big heart, unmatched energy, beautiful smile, contagious laughter, and overall zest for life will never be forgotten.

Grant Donor Roll